The Chapter on What Has Been Narrated Concerning Fasting
Sunan Ibn Majah
Sunan Ibn Majah
- The Obligatory [Waajib] Fasts: Such as fasting in the holy month of Ramadan; fasting for fulfilling a vow’ and the fasting required for expiation.
- The Desirable [Mustahab] Fasts: Such as the fasting of the Prophet Dawudu [i.e., fasting every other day; fasting on the 13th, 14th, and 15th of every Islamic month; fasting on Monday and Thursday; fasting for six days of Shawwal; fasting on the day of Arafat; fasting during the first eight days of Dhul-Hijjah; fasting on Ashurah; fasting during the inviolable months; and fasting during the month of Sha’ban etc.
- The Prohibited [Haram] Fasts: Such as a women observing a voluntary fast without her husband’s permission as he stays at home; fasting for a day prior to Ramadan whilst the commencement of Ramadan is still in doubt; fasting on the of Eidul-Fitr, Eidul-Adha and the days of Tashriq [the three days after the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah] ; the fasting of a menstruating women and the one with post-natal bleeding.
- The Undesirable [Makruh] Fasts: Fasting perpetually; fasting just on Friday, or only on Saturday, etc.
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