Thursday, February 11, 2010

Water in the Qur'an

The following extracted information derived from this website

The Qur'an also makes reference to the Flood. In sura 69 The Reality, ayat 11, it says: "When the water overflowed, we loaded you on the vessel" and adds in sura 7 The Heights (ayat 64): "So we saved him (Noe) and those who were along with him in the Ark.We let those who rejected Our signs drown" and, finally, in sura 11 Hud (ayat 44): "and itwas said:"Earth, swallow your water, and: sky, clear up! So the water receded, the Command was accomplished, and she settled down on (Mt.) Judi."
The Holy Book asserts that water is, by the will of God, the sole basis for the emergence of life:"We have made every living thing out of water." (Sura 21 The Prophets, ayat 30).
The Qur'anic account of the forming of the Cosmos places great emphasis on water, as demonstrated in other ayat in the preceding sura which on the one hand lists heaven, earth, the moon, the sun, night, day etc. as natural factors in the creation of the universe and, on the other, speaks of a single element that infuses life into the universe: water. The Qur'an immediately asserts, however, that water fills the entire inanimate universe with life: "He is the One Who created Heaven and Earth in six days. His Throne rises over the water". For certain commentators (52), this means in effect that water was the origin for both heaven and earth and that Allah drew from it the natural elements as well as all living creatures. Water is even present in the rocks and stones. Sura 2 The Cow (ayat 73-74) says: "...for there are some stones which rivers gush out of and there are others which water comes forth from when they split open, and there are still others which collapse out of awe for God". The Qur'an also teaches that "God has created every animal out of water; some of them walk on their belly, while others walk on two legs and still others walk on four. God creates anything He wishes; God is Able (to do) everything." (Sura 24 The Light, ayat 45). Thus every life on earth owes its existence to the element of water: "Among His signs He sends water down from the sky so He may revive the earth with it following its death." (Sura 30 The Romans, ayat 24). The vivifying property of water is repeated in many ayat: "He sends the winds to bring news so He may let you taste some of His mercy (sura 30, ayat 46)... And any water God sends down from the sky with which to revive the earth following its death and to scatter every kind of animal throughout it. We give it in due measure as a sign to those who are wise (53)" or again "We have sent down blessed water from the sky and We grow gardens with it as well as grain to be harvested and soaring palms which have compact clusters as sustenance for worshippers. We have revived a dead countryside with it; thus will (your) reappearance be".

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