Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Chatting after ‘Isha’ Salat

Source : The Clarified Ruling Of Mistakes Done In Salat By: Mashhur Hasan Al Salman Translated by: Iman Zakariyah Abu Gazie

Abu Barzah (Radhi Allaahu Anhu) said that ‘The Muhammad (Sallalaahu Alaihi wa Sallam) used to hate sleeping before [performing] ‘Isha’ Salat and chatting after it’.(1)

Abdullah Ibn Mas‘ud (Radhi Allaahu Anhu) narrated that the Muhammad (Sallalaahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said: ‘No one should stay awake late at night after performing ‘Isha’ Salat except a traveler and a praying person’.(2)

According to the aforementioned ahadith, spending the time after performing ‘Isha’ Salat in chatting is detested unless for discussing something needed.

This ruling rests on several rationales:

The first: Not to abandon Qiyamul Lail. Ibn Khuzaimah said: ‘I strongly believe that he (Radhi Allaahu Anhu) detested that one wastes one’s time chatting [after performing ‘Isha’ Salat] because doing so prevents one from performing Qiyamul Lail for one will surely oversleep and will not wake up on time and if one does, one will not be active enough to perform Qiyamul Lail.(3) 

The second: If one spends the first hours of the night chatting, then sleeps deeply, one would miss the Fajr Salat(4) or at least miss the Salat with the congregation in the mosque; both are grave sins for missing either is one of the characteristics of the hypocrites. Accordingly, every muslim should be keen to attend the congregation in the mosque when Salat is due and avoid abandoning it. It is incumbent on the Imams of the mosques to encourage muslims to attend the congregational Salat and warn them against Allah's  (Subhanahu wa Taala) punishment and wrath.

(1) Narrated by Al-Bukhari in his “Sahih” (no. 568), Muslim in his “Sahih” (no. 647), Ahmad in “Al-Musnad” (vol. 4 / pp. 420, 423, 424) and Ibn Abi Shaibah in “Al- Musannaf” (vol. 2 / p. 280) and many others.
(2) Narrated by: Ahmad in “Al-Musnad” (vol. 1 / pp. 444, 421, 463 and 375), At- Tayalisi in “Al-Musnad” (vol. 1 / p. 73), Al-Baihaqi in “As-Sunnan Al-Kubra” (vol. 1 / p. 452), Abu Nu‘aim in “Al-Hilyah” (vol. 4 / p. 198) and Al-Marwazi in “Ta‘thim Qadrus Salat” (no. 109). The hadith is authentic.
(3) “Sahih Ibn Kuzaimah” (vol. 2 / p. 292).
(4) “Fathul Bari” (vol. 2 / p. 49).

Shaikh Ibn Baz said: ‘It is impermissible for a muslim to stay awake late at night even for reading Qur’an or seeking knowledge, if doing so makes him miss Fajr Salat with the congregation or miss the Salat itself at its due time. The matter is even worse if one spends the night watching television, playing cards or the like!! Whoever does so has incurred a sin upon himself and deserves Allah's  (Subhanahu wa Taala) punishment and the punishment of those in authority in order to get back to the right path’.(1)

The third: Some of the well-versed scholars believed that the Muhammad (Sallalaahu Alaihi wa Sallam) warned against staying awake late at night after performing ‘Isha’ Salat because after one’s sins are forgiven due to performing Salat, it is not proper to chat with others lest one articulate words that incur sins on oneself. One should preferably go to sleep immediately after being completely free of sins.(2)

Sufyan Ibn ‘Uyaynah said: ‘Having performed ‘Isha’ Salat, I talked [with my companions] then I thought I should not go to sleep as shuch. Accordingly, I performed Wudu’, performed two Rak‘ahs Salat and asked Allah's  (Subhanahu wa Taala) forgiveness. I have not told you this to seek your praise but that you do the same’.(3)

Al-Qasim Ibn Abi Ayyub said: ‘Sa‘id Ibn Jubair used to perform four Rak‘ah Salat after performing ‘Isha’ Salat. Then when I speak to him while being with him at home he would never talk back to me’.(4)

(1) “Al-Fatawa” (vol. 1 / p. 92).
(2) “Ta‘thim Qadris Salat” (vol. 1 / pp. 166-7).
(3) Narrated by: Al-Marwazi in “Ta‘thim Qadris Salat” (no. 113).
(4) Narrated by: Al-Marwazi in “Ta‘thim Qadris Salat” (no. 114).

Khaithamah said: ‘They [i.e. Sahabah] preferred that one goes to sleep immediately after doing Witr Salat’.(1)

(1) Narrated by: Al-Marwazi in “Qiyamul Lail” (p. 102) and “Ta‘thim Qadris Salat” (no. 115).

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